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Expectant Mothers More Prone to Tooth Loss

By Susan Braden

discount dental plans needed for pregnant women with tooth loss

For years, expecting mothers have been purported to lose teeth at a higher rate than those who are not pregnant. These days, there are concrete facts that prove mothers do have a greater occurrence of tooth loss during pregnancy.

Pregnant Women Lose More Teeth

New York University professors performed a survey representing a social, economic, and racial cross-section of American females which found that ladies lose more permanent teeth during and immediately after pregnancy than at any other time in life. This raises some important questions about why mothers are losing permanent teeth during pregnancy, as well as questions about how ladies who are expecting can pay for their dentistry. As much as any other group in America, expecting mothers need discount plans available in their communities.

Possible Reasons for Tooth Loss

There are a few possibilities why women who are expecting have more tooth problems during pregnancy than at any other time.

Lack of Nutrients

The first reason is that many of the nutrients and vitamins which would normally go into the mother’s body are now going into the baby which is forming in her womb, but her teeth still need a certain amount of nutrients and vitamins to maintain their strength. If a pregnant woman does not increase her intake of proteins and other vitamins, then her baby will get those vitamins first, and her pearly whites will end up with none.

Neglected Oral Care

A second reason pregnant women may have a much higher rate of tooth loss is simply a lack of personal oral care during and after pregnancy. An expectant mother has many other things she is concerned about besides her mouth. With the added stresses and concerns of pregnancy, many women let their normal oral hygiene go. Additionally, pregnant women need to attend multiple doctors’ appointments, which makes it easy to forget about their regular dentist appointments. Also, if they do not know about affordable discount plans, many of these women simply can’t afford dentist’s bills.

How Pregnant Women Can Find Dental Plans

Learn about Affordable Dental Plans

Lack of oral hygiene and a lack of regular visits to the dentist office, combined with a deficiency of proper nutrients and vitamins, creates an environment where pregnant women’s teeth can quickly deteriorate. There is a vital need for dental plans for pregnant women so that they can retain their smiles after pregnancy. Where can you find these plans? A basic search online can highlight a number of different discount plans available in your specific area. It is definitely worth a little time and effort to save your teeth during pregnancy.

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