By Susan Braden
Finding a way to take care of your teeth can be difficult. With a stormy economic climate, a job that provides coverage is rare and affordable coverage can be just as hard to find. Investigating affordable dental insurance alternatives and getting a free quote online is one way to find out what's best for you.
There are a few potential advantages to traditional insurance, but the disadvantages are numerous. If your indemnity coverage is employer-provided, some of the hassle may be taken care of for you. Indemnity programs like these may be more familiar, but do not be afraid to investigate affordable dental insurance alternatives. The disadvantages of insurance frequently outweigh any advantages.
Many of these insurances with a free quote online appear to have a good low monthly rate, but their deductibles, maximums and co-pays can offset a “low” monthly rate. For example, several programs online after you search for an insurance free quote will show the reasonable monthly rate, but in small print you'll see a maximum of $1,000, a deductible of $50 and a copay of 20%-80%. How much are you really saving?
If you have traditional insurance and need a major procedure such as an extraction, crown or root-canal, you'll meet your maximum and be left to pay any other dentist bills that year. If you need a routine procedure, you'll still end up paying close to what the dentist normally charges. Not to mention the headache of claim forms, waiting periods and limitations.
Yes! A family discount dental plan or individual dental plan can be a great alternative to dental insurance for you and your family to get the care you need without breaking your budget. While traditional insurance can put more of a strain on you than it is worth, a dental discount plan will save you money and time, providing the peace of mind you want for the price you need.
So, what's the big difference? Discount dental plans are discount programs that people can join to gain access to tremendous savings of up to 60% off. These discounts can save a family an average of $1200 a year and what's more, these plans are incredibly convenient. Through some companies they can be used immediately, with discounts on virtually all procedures and without limits on what's covered per year.
Paying for traditional insurance on your own costs you more than just dollars; it also costs you in time! Its maximums, deductibles, and claims are all time consuming factors you'll want to avoid as much as possible.
As you explore affordable dental insurance alternatives and get a free quote online, don't forget to explore company's service policies, customer bases and provider networks. Otherwise you might be spending way more money than you should!
If you want to check out dental insurance, get a free quote, but make sure you compare what you find against discount dental plans to see if the numbers really add up.
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