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Discount Dental Plans May Aid Children Suffering from Oral Neglect

By Susan Braden

discount dental plans may aid children with dental neglect

There are many different factors that may cause children to not get the proper oral care they need. According to experts from several universities in London and across Europe, there is a marked difference in oral health between kids who are victims of parental neglect and those who have been accepted by their parents or guardians. Discount dental plans can be a cheaper way to help kids who are victims of both physical and oral neglect. A policy has been published encouraging dentists to be on alert for possible signs of neglect when treating young children with serious oral issues, according to Science Daily.

1. What is dental neglect, and what are its results?

This kind of neglect has been defined as “persistent failure to meet a child’s basic oral health needs.” It has been known to cause many dangerous side effects in children, including weight loss, insomnia, stunted growth, and frequent pain, which can truly damage a child’s overall health and well-being.

The University of Warwick’s Dr. Peter Sidebotham has helped formulate a policy document to address this issue. Sidebotham and his collaborating researchers are calling dentists to action, and formulating ways to train dentists to effectively diagnose when a child in question is being neglected. Dentists are now working not just to treat children’s teeth, but also to protect children’s overall health and protect them from potentially dangerous situations at home. Dentists have even been asked to contact a local child protective services department when they notice or suspect a case of a neglected child.

2. How is it diagnosed?

Dentists need to see the inside of children’s mouths to detect telling signs of neglect. One easy way make sure children have access to the dentist is to provide discount options so their parents can afford to take them to appointments. When kids attend checkups as often as possible, dentists can determine more easily if dental neglect is occurring, hinder its effects, and be a better help to the kids.

3. What can be done to help?

Learn about Affordable Dental Plans

Sidebotham also stated that he and his colleagues are impressed with how much dentists continue to do for kids by educating parents on how best care for their kids’ teeth. Consistent appointments give dentists a better chance to evaluate if there is dental neglect occurring, and allow them to better protect their young patients. Dental savings plans are a helpful way for parents to save when they take their children to the dentist, and may encourage more parents to take their kids to appointments instead of otherwise neglecting their teeth.

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