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Holistic Affordable Dental Tips

By Susan Braden

eat healthy for affordable dental care

Even the tiniest cavity can make you miserable. If your mouth is not in good shape, it can affect your entire body, physically and mentally, so keeping up with your oral health is an important part of caring for yourself. Holistic dentistry aims to ensure your body is in balance, and uses its cues to best identify how to care for your teeth. Read on for more information and at-home cheap dental tips to help enrich not only your oral health but your general well-being as well.

At the Dentist

Holistic dentistry begins with an initial consultation. Instead of sitting in a stark room with a blinding light in your eyes and a dentist staring down your throat, a holistic dentist will ask questions, gather feedback and try to understand your individual situation. Once the dentist has gathered enough information for an assessment and proper diagnosis, the patient can choose which option he or she feels best about. A holistic dentist also plans for care after the treatment as well as integrating elements of the patient’s spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs. The dentist can offer affordable dental tips tailored to each patient.

Specific Processes

With this method, essential oils are used to supplement different treatments for problems like bone and gum disease. Fillings and other similar procedures use a composite material of glass-like particles that are finely ground and mixed with plastic resin. This mixture can be blended and adjusted to match each specific tooth. Composite fillings take longer to perform than common amalgam fillings, and the procedure is more precise. Once bonded to the existing tooth, the filling forms a strong, secure attachment. Holistic dentistry is strongly against the use of amalgam fillings, which commonly contain mercury.

Holistic Dentistry at Home

However, you don’t have to go to a holistic dentist to think holistically about your oral health. Here are some affordable dental solutions that you can try yourself.

  • Proper nutrition can go a long way to improve your overall health as well as maintain oral health. Eliminating excess sugars and sticky foods not only keeps your body more trim and healthy, it also prevents plaque from building up in your mouth. If left untreated, plaque can cause cavities or even serious gum disease that could destroy the jaw structure.

  • If you don’t want to use a harsh mouthwash, go for an all-natural option. Make your own simple mouthwash out of distilled water, apple cider vinegar and essential oils. Peppermint, cardamom and parsley are especially known for their breath-freshening properties. You can also make your own toxin-free toothpaste.

  • Tea, especially green tea, contains antioxidants and compounds that can help your heart, give you energy and protect your teeth and gums.

Is it Necesssary?

Many people feel that holistic dentistry is unnecessary, and that a dentist should not try to offer spiritual or emotional advice but rather stick to treating strictly oral problems. However, there is credibility to the idea of taking care of your mouth as a part of taking care of your whole body, and these affordable tips could help you achieve that balance. You could save money in the long run as well, because if you take care of your teeth, you will not have to spend as much money on treating problems at the dentist.

Your Health is Important

Learn about Affordable Dental Plans

Whether you choose to visit a holistic dentist or try your own wellness dentistry methods at home, taking care of your whole body can go a long way to improve your general well-being while maintaining your bank account. It is still recommended that you visit a dentist regularly for a checkup, but with these at-home, affordable dental care tips, you can make healthy choices.

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