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Taurine and Your Health

Whether due to rolling blackouts through California or to employees barely staying awake at work, it seems the one thing America is always running short on is energy. As America used to run on coal, Americans ran on coffee. However, with the development of technology, Americans are searching for newer, cleaner, and more powerful sources of energy and caffeine.

Energy Drinks

For many Americans, a new source of daily energy has come in the form of energy drinks. Since Red Bull first entered the American market in 1997, the energy drink market has exploded to the over 110 energy drinks currently available in America. Unlike coffee, which was created from solely natural coffee beans and contains a moderate amount of caffeine, energy drinks have thrown in quite a few more ingredients to add a bit more zing.

One popular ingredient pumped into most energy drinks is taurine. Taurine, a substance discovered in 1827 by German scientist Friedrich Tiedemann, is naturally present in seafood and other meats. Although many energy drinks tout taurine as a energy supplement, recent studies have shown that taurine may have no effect on your actual energy level, although taurine may have a positive impact on health issues such as high-blood pressure or hypertension.

A 2008 review also did not discover any negative side effects connected to the inclusion of taurine in energy drinks, concluding that it resulted in neither a beneficial nor a harmful effect on individuals.

So if you are looking for the newest jolt of energy for your workday tomorrow morning, take a look at the label before you drink. A high taurine level alone may not give you that boost you need, but it will not hurt you either!

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