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Top 3 Dental Reasons to Brush

By J. Good

“Brush your teeth!” You may have heard this statement from your dentist since you were a small child, or from friends who spend time with you. If you are a parent, then you probably have said this to your own kids many times! Why do we need to brush? There are 3 main dental reasons why brushing your teeth is so vital.

1. Brush Your Teeth to Prevent Dental Decay

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If you do not routinely care for your teeth, then you will experience the pain of dental decay over time! As dental plaque and tartar build up on the outside of a tooth, the tooth surface wears away. Once the outer coating of your tooth wears off, the tooth is weakened and can easily decay and fall apart. Brushing your teeth on a regular basis, however, will keep you from developing more serious problems down the road including periodontal disease and other severe health affects – studies show that oral health effects your entire body health!

2. Brush Your Teeth for Great First Impression

When two people meet for the first time, a smile is often the first thing they notice about each other. If you have not realized this, just wait until you meet someone with decayed or crooked teeth – you will notice the difference right away.! People quickly notice teeth that are yellow, caked with food, or covered in plaque. To make a great first impression on your friends, family, and even the opposite sex, regularly brush and maintain your teeth for a nice, white smile. After all, you can never take back a first impression!

3. Brush Your Teeth to Fight Bad Breath

When a person gets into a habit of slack oral hygiene, they will end up with really bad breath! No one wants to spend time in close proximity with a person who has bad breath. Brushing your teeth daily will help you to have clean-smelling breath – this will make you much more presentable to the people around you.

Though brushing your teeth takes only 2-3 minutes each day, its benefits can affect your body and dental health for a lifetime! Brushing your teeth will help you become more presentable in the present, as well as save you a lot of money in the future! Just like your mother told you, “Brush your teeth!”

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