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Improve Oral Health with Preventative, Low Cost Dental Care

By Susan Braden

Preventative, Low Cost Dental Care

In the last decade, there have been significant advances in the field of oral health. Your mouth can now be utilized to monitor the overall health of your body in a variety of ways! Your oral health will directly influence the health of your entire body, for good or for bad. Even seemingly minor oral problems, such as cavities, can contribute to many serious conditions such as diabetes and respiratory disease. If left untreated, even easily-treatable cavities may lead to serious infections.

Many people are tempted to neglect basic preventative oral care due to not having coverage, or simply due to the expense of regular dentist visits. Are there no low cost dental alternatives available?

Whether you find yourself without any coverage, or merely not wanting to spend large amounts of money on dentistry work, practical preventative care will allow you to maintain a healthy mouth and a healthy body. Here are practical, healthy steps that you can begin to add to your daily routine.

1. Brush and Floss Regularly

The importance of proper brushing and flossing cannot be emphasized enough – this is the most beneficial, low cost dental preventative care anyone can implement into their daily routine. Even if you visit the dentist every 6 months for your recommended cleaning check-ups, neglecting daily brushing and flossing will increase the likelihood of cavity and plaque formation. Neglecting proper oral hygiene will require more dentistry work over the long-run, costing you more money overall. Resolve in your mind today to brush and floss regularly – your result will be both better health and more money in your pocket!

2. Eat Healthy!

Eating healthily does not only have dietary effects on your body – the foods that you consume will also be either beneficial or detrimental to your teeth. Foods that contain copious amounts of sugar fuel the production of acid by bacteria in your mouth. This acid destroys the enamel that protects your teeth. Various dark and carbonated beverages, such as sodas, can stain teeth and make your mouth more acidic! Foods like celery, cheese, and green tea, however, help balance the pH level in your mouth by killing bacteria, making it more difficult for your enamel to diminish. Choosing to purchase healthy foods can help lower your average cost of dentistry work throughout your life. In addition, eating healthily increases your energy levels and makes you a healthier person overall. Choosing to eat healthy is a simple, preventative method to gain low cost dental work!

3. Preventative Care at a Dentist

Even though the cost of dentistry work is extremely expensive, it is still essential for a dentist to perform routine preventative care for your teeth. Routine cleanings and check-ups are a great way for a dentist to remain familiar with the current status of your oral health. Just as brushing and flossing can prevent minor dental problems from occurring and developing into major problems, regular check-ups allow your dentist to spot not-so-obvious oral problems that may need immediate attention. Cleanings at your dentist can remove extra plaque that you might have missed or could not remove with a regular toothbrush. Regular dentist visits may seem a constant expense, but you will spend less on this basic preventative care than on root canals and crowns later due to painful, neglected teeth!

Oral health is a very important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. In an economy with both rising unemployment and rising dentist bills, it is no surprise that more people are looking for low cost dental work. These practical steps are the beginning of gaining control of your own oral health – low cost dental preventative care is key to a healthy mouth and healthy body!

For more low cost dental tips from Susan Braden, see this article.

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