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How to Get Your Dental Orthodontia Off Faster

By Susan Braden

Faster Orthodontia

If you are a current braces wearer, you may wonder if there are any ways to shorten the time that you spend in orthodontia. The answer to this question depends on two factors:

  • What the natural state of your teeth was, and
  • How closely you follow what your orthodontist tells you!

Though you cannot change the natural state of your teeth, you can only control the extent in which you heed the instructions from your orthodontist. Here are a few easy steps to follow to get your braces off faster.

Wear Your Rubber Bands

If your orthodontist tells you to wear rubber bands, then wear them! Doing what your orthodontist tells you is the best way to remove your braces quickly. Your orthodontist knows what is best for your teeth -- rubber bands are an integral part of the braces process to tighten your jaw and to make your new smile as permanent as possible!

Stick to Softer and Healthier Foods

If you stick to primarily soft, healthy food during your period of orthodontic treatment, then you may be on track to get your braces off faster. Eating hard candy on a regular basis, however, may damage your teeth and slow the work of your braces -- then it will take you longer to get your braces off. If your braces break on hard foods, then you will be set back significantly in your treatment at an orthodontist.

Keep Your Teeth Clean

The less junk that hangs around your braces, the less likely they are to break or to get something stuck in the brackets. The healthier you can keep your teeth, the less likely you are to need any more teeth-related devices in the future. Be sure to brush and floss regularly and visit a general dentist as consistently as possible while in braces.

Use Common Sense in Activities Involving Your Mouth

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Do not chew on ice, gum, or hard objects that can jeopardize the progress of your braces. Think through your eating and chewing decisions to protect your teeth and to enhance your future braces-free smile.

Follow these steps to get your braces off faster at an orthodontist -- you will be on your way to clean, healthy and beautiful teeth!

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