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Healthy Dental Habits for Children

By Susan Braden

parents affordable dental care example for kids

New studies indicate that whether or not children seek out affordable dental care is strongly connected to their parents seeking out the same care. When parents choose not to see the dentist on a regular basis, children are much less likely to visit the dentist as well. There are a few things parents can do to instill healthy dental habits in their children.

Help them brush and floss

Dentists recommend encouraging your children to brush at least twice per day, and to floss each day as well. Consistent brushing helps to remove plaque and loose food particles that, if left unattended, can cause cavities, even in your child’s baby teeth. The smaller your child’s toothbrush, the easier it can reach into tight spaces in his or her mouth. Also, flossing helps to remove any food stuck in between teeth that your child’s toothbrush might not reach. While some children may not enjoy brushing and flossing as much as needed, these healthy dental habits will be a worthwhile investment in their long-term health.

Maintain checkups at the dentist

Many people worry about the cost of dentistry procedures, but forget that one of the best ways to ensure affordable dental bills is to consistently attend checkups and cleanings. Even if seeing a dentist means budgeting and saving money for each visit, addressing any oral issues during checkups will save both parents and their children money in the long run. At 6-month visits, the occasional cavity can be easily dealt with to ensure a more serious problem does not develop. Communicate to your kids the importance of dentist visits, and ensure they properly understand the health and financial benefits.

Investigate low cost discount plans

As parents search for affordable coverage options for their families, they should keep in mind that there are many cheap discount plans on the market. In addition to traditional indemnity insurance, discount plans can be a viable option for many families. Some discount plans allow parents and children to see the dentist as often as needed for about half of the dentist’s normal price. As children grow and see that going to the dentist is financially possible, they are much more likely to continue ongoing maintenance of their teeth.

Learn about Affordable Dental Plans

As your family seeks out affordable coverage, encourage your kids to brush and floss to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Joining a low cost discount plan can help to ensure your family is financially able to visit the dentist on a regular basis. As you instill healthy dental habits into your children early in life, your children will be more likely to continue these habits as adults.

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