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When to Consider Sedation Dentistry

By Susan Braden

woman needs dental insurance for sedation

Do you desperately need to alleviate the pain in your mouth but are terrified of going to see a dentist? Dental insurance or plans often cover sedation, so financial burden should not prevent you from getting the appropriate treatment. All you need to consider is whether this treatment is a healthy option for you.

Who Needs It?

This kind of dentistry is not just used to relieve anxiety. It is also used when a patient is known to have difficulty controlling movement due to a condition such as Parkinson’s disease or cerebral palsy, which could interfere with the dentist’s work. A dentist might use it if there is a very short time in which to complete the work, because he or she can move more quickly. If a patient’s mouth does not respond well to the numbing process or has difficulty becoming numb, sedation can work with the existing numbness. Those with extremely sensitive teeth might also resort to this treatment if the pain becomes hard to tolerate.

Why Is It Needed?

Seemingly small tooth problems can become serious if left untreated. A simple case of gingivitis, or gum disease, can escalate into a severely damaged jaw bone and irreversible gum deterioration. Sedation dentistry, sometimes covered by insurance or a discount dental plan, can help you take care of those problems while they are still small and give you the courage to take command of your oral health. This method has several techniques and levels, from light, conscious sedation to temporary unconsciousness.

What to Watch For

Learn about Affordable Dental Plans

While it may be convenient for some, sedation could be very dangerous for patients with certain medical conditions or allergies. Notify your dentist beforehand of any of your medications, conditions or allergies, whether you think them relevant or not. Investigate which insurance companies will cover this procedure, or look into a discount plan, an alternative to dental insurance, to save you the most money. Always consult your dentist before a procedure to determine the safest, most cost-effective method for you.

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